
Click to jump to an phrase or acronym: AC, AEZ, C2/CO2, C4/CH4, CA, FC, Integration, OC, PDS, REF, RRS, Solution, Scenario, TAM, TLA, UA, VMA

What is a Solution?

In the Project Drawdown Model Engine (PDME), Solutions are models that calculate the economic cost and greenhouse gas impact of a specific technology under differing input assumptions. Examples of solutions are "Rooftop Solar Energy" or "Mangrove Restoration". All solutions share a core set of inputs and outputs, and use the same modeling techniques.

The _core inputs_ to a Solution are:

The _core results_ of a Solution are:

While most AC parameters are scalar, other parameters are time sequences, typically out to 2050. In some solutions, these inputs and outputs may also be provided by region, but for most solutions all inputs and outputs are global.

Solution vs. Scenario vs. Model

The terms "Solution" and "Model" are sometimes used interchangeably at the conceptual level. In the code, "Model" refers to the code which is common across all solutions, while "a solution" refers to code that is specific to a particular solution technology.

A Scenario is a set of core inputs to a Solution, and the outputs that result from those inputs. That is, a Scenario is a specific instance of a Solution for a given set of assumptions.

In this code repository, each Solution comes with a specific set of Scenarios that have been designed and published by Project Drawdown researchers. These can be used as a starting point for analysis, or for designing new scenarios.

RRS vs. Land vs. Ocean

RRS (Reduction and Replacement) solutions focus on reducing the demand for some GHG-producing product (e.g. electricity), or on replacing the production of a product with a cleaner method or alternative.

Land solutions may perform RRS-like functions, but their distinguishing characteristic is that they also require land, and usually land of a certain type or climate.

The primary distinction in the models is that RRS models model adoption as a proportion of the TAM, while Land models model adoption as a proportion of available (suitable) land.

Oceans are yet another set of models, similar to Land models, but naturally using ocean areas instead. Note: The Oceans models have been implemented entirely differently from the Land/RSS models (in fact they are a prototype for the eventual future of all models), so much of the documentation here may not fully apply to them. See (TBD) for a high-level discussion of the Ocean model implementation.

TAM (Total Addressable Market) and Adoption modeling

Probably the most complex set of interactions in the system take place around deriving the TAM and Adoption for a solution. The first step is accumulating published data and demand and/or projected adoption. Published estimates are consulted and their data is put into individual time sequences, then combined. Some of the complexities of combination include:

REF vs PDS (TAM/Adoption)

In each scenario, there are actually two TAMs and two Adoptions: The "Ref" TAM/Adoption and the "PDS" TAM/Adoption. The Ref version is the TAM/Adoption assuming that "nothing changes" and the "PDS" TAM/Adoption assumes that the technology has some interesting curve of adoption.

This is a legacy effect of translating the Excel models: in Excel researchers typically want to compare the scenario's unique adoption to the baseline, so they are both represented simultaneously. In the future we plan to separate these so that there is a single baseline REF scenario for each solution, and comparison can be made between any two scenarios.

Interpreting levels/cases

There are two kinds of adoption "levels" that are very similar (and highly correlated), but use two different sets of names, which can lead to confusion:

TAM and Adoption _source data_ are always placed on a scale of four different kinds of _cases_: baseline, conservative, ambitious and 100%.

Adoption curves and Scenarios are sometimes but not always placed on a scale of three:

Advanced Controls and VMAs

"Advanced Controls" is the collection of parameters that control a solution output. An assignment of Advanced Controls is essentially the same thing as a scenario.


The term VMA stands for Variable Meta Analysis. The idea behind Variable Meta Analysis is to search the available literature for suitable estimates for some specific parameter (such as cost to build a power plant), and record them. These are always scalar values. (Sometimes there are VMAs for "growth factors" to allow for variation over time).

A VMA can be thought of as providing a background source for a specific input parameter, or justification for why a particular value was used. A researcher has the option to select from low, high or average of these estimates when doing analysis. Most, but not all, scalar Advanced Control parameters will be backed by a corresponding VMA.

Total Land Area (TLA) and Agroecological Zones (AEZ)


First and Operational Costs


CO2 and CH4 emission models



Important note: you don't need to use or understand integrations in order to use or understand solution models. Integrations are a modeling process that exists outside of/ on top of, the solutions.

Integrations compute interactions between multiple solutions. The current design of integrations follows the process used by Project Drawdown researchers to update the Excel models in response to new data (e.g. to new climate or population estimates). There are documents that describe that Excel integration process in detail [find ref].

Each integration covers a single domain, such as electricity generation or buildings. Each integration may take as input some new assumptions about the world, as well as the output of other, existing, scenarios that alter those assumptions. An example is that solutions that decrease waste output would decrease the waste available for electricity generation (the biogas solution).

The output of an integration are typically new data files (especially new TAMs) that will be used by the solutions thereafter.

The architecture of integrations in the Python code introduces the concept of an "integration mode". While in integration mode, all of the solution computations will use the the integration versions of tiles. This enables multiple integrations to feed off of each other, be modified and run again, as needed, before any of the integrations are "committed". The final process would be to "accept" the result of all the integrations by moving the temporary integration-mode files to their permanent locations (and making a github commit of the result). This acceptance part of the process has not been automated yet.

More information can be found in the integrations README file.

Want to go Deeper?

The files Drawdown_Model_Platform_Proposal.pdf and Drawdown_First_Hackathon_Proposal.pdf which are historical documents that cover the original python code design in some depth.

Note to editors

Include links directly into the code auto-doc _only when there is good content there_. Conversely, when you write some good autodoc, consider if it should be linked somewhere here.