Operating Cost module calculations.
Implementation for the Operating Cost module.
ac: object, storing settings to control model operation.
soln_net_annual_funits_adopted: funits adopted each year, per region
soln_pds_tot_iunits_reqd: total implementation units
soln_ref_tot_iunits_reqd: total implementation units
conv_ref_annual_tot_iunits: total implementation units required, per year
soln_pds_annual_world_first_cost: first cost, per year
soln_ref_annual_world_first_cost: first cost, per year
conv_ref_annual_world_first_cost: first cost, per year
single_iunit_purchase_year: year to calculate single iunit first cost
soln_pds_install_cost_per_iunit: cost per implementation unit
conv_ref_install_cost_per_iunit: cost per implementation unit
conversion_factor: conversion factor from iunits to a more natural
monetary unit. In almost all cases a single conversion factor is used for
both fixed and variable operating costs. Passing a single integer or float
to conversion_factor will suffice. For those cases where a different factor
is needed for fixed versus variable costs, passing a tuple of
Total operating cost per year. SolarPVUtil 'Operating Cost'!D19:D64
Cumulative operating cost. SolarPVUtil 'Operating Cost'!E19:E64
Total operating cost per year. SolarPVUtil 'Operating Cost'!K19:K64
Cumulative operating cost. SolarPVUtil 'Operating Cost'!L19:L64
Marginal operating cost, difference between soln_pds and conv_ref. SolarPVUtil 'Operating Cost'!D69:D114
New functional units required each year. SolarPVUtil 'Operating Cost'!F19:F64
Total implementation units required each year. SolarPVUtil 'Operating Cost'!I531:I576
New implementation units required each year. SolarPVUtil 'Operating Cost'!K531:K576
Operating costs broken out per year for Solution-PDS This table calculates the contribution of each new set of SOLUTION implementation units installed over the lifetime of the units, but only for new or replacement units installed during our analysis period. Fixed and Variable costs that are constant or changing over time are included. SolarPVUtil 'Operating Cost'!B262:AV386
Returns soln_pds_annual_breakout for CORE_START_YEAR:CORE_END_YEAR
New implementation units required each year. SolarPVUtil 'Operating Cost'!L531:L576
Operating costs broken out per year for Conventional-REF This table calculates the contribution of each new set of CONVENTIONAL implementation units installed over the lifetime of the units, but only for new or replacement units installed during our analysis period. Fixed and Variable costs that are constant or changing over time are included. SolarPVUtil 'Operating Cost'!B399:AV523
Returns conv_ref_annual_breakout for CORE_START_YEAR:CORE_END_YEAR
Marginal First Cost. SolarPVUtil 'Operating Cost'!C126:C250
Estimate the cash flows for a single solution implementation unit while matching the output of that unit (in functional units) with the equivalent output of a conventional implementation unit. This takes into account:
- changes in first cost due to learning
- differences in functional unit output of the solution and conventional unit
- differences in lifetime of the solution and implementation unit (scaling appropriately in each case). SolarPVUtil 'Operating Cost'!I126:I250
Net Present Value of single iunit cashflow. SolarPVUtil 'Operating Cost'!J126:J250
Whether the solution has paid off versus the conventional, for each year. SolarPVUtil 'Operating Cost'!K126:K250
Whether the solution NPV has paid off versus the conventional, for each year. SolarPVUtil 'Operating Cost'!L126:L250
Net Present Value of single iunit cashflow, looking only at costs of the Solution. SolarPVUtil 'Operating Cost'!N126:N250